Gold Coast Hong Kong — Destination

Visual identity for the Hong Kong icon

Gold Coast is a coastal resort encompassing exclusive residences, hotel, yacht club and outdoor piazza shopping and dining area. BrandCraft was tasked with redefining it as a modern paradise away from the hustle of the city.

The existing Gold Coast identity was introduced when Gold Coast Hong Kong was built in 1993. After 25 years, the identity had become outdated and no longer expressed their high-end market positioning. The branding consisted of a variety of disconnected sub-brands without a singular, ownable master logo.

— Existing Gold Coast branding

We worked with key stakeholders to unravel what Gold Coast stands for in the mind of their consumers, to be defined once again as one of Hong Kong’s most desirable destinations for living, entertainment and breaks from the city.

The refreshed visual identity is designed to translate imagery of nature and the sunsets that residences and visitors to Gold Coast experience.

The identity uses a singular brand mark and a simple and functional stacked logotype that can be used across each of the Gold Coast brands; Residences, Yacht Club, Piazza and Hotel.

An identity system was created to express the brand consistently across all forms of communications including responsive eDMs, stationery, advertisements, sales packs and brand guidelines. The system was created to be turn-key for their in-house marketing team.

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