Fair Trade Hong Kong — Not-for-Profit

Future-proofing the Hong Kong NGO

Fair Trade Hong Kong is a not-for-profit organisation established to promote fair trade in the S.E Asian region, Fair Trade are committed to reducing inequality, alleviating poverty and creating a sustainable future.

Aerial view of lush green terraced rice fields with scattered trees and small huts in a tropical landscape.
Two people in traditional hats working in a rice field.

Fair Trade Hong Kong approached us to refresh and modernise their visual identity.

In the age of dynamic brand engagement, Fair Trade needed to stay relevant within both environmental and social spheres.

Fair Trade Hong Kong logo with English and Chinese text, featuring a leaf symbol.

— Existing Fair Trade lockup

Through our brand strategy workshop with the Fair Trade board of directors, we uncovered four core values unique to the organisation.

— Promote equality
— Foster positive commerce
— Champion traditional values
— Build community networks

Fair Trade Hong Kong mission statement black Montserrat font on white background.

— Promote equality

— Foster positive commerce

— Champion traditional values

— Build community networks

Blue plus sign on a white background.
Green selection symbol on a white background.
Checkerboard pattern with green and blue squares on a white background.
Pixelated blue and green hashtag symbol on white background

To create the logomark, we combined the icons from the four core values.

The Fair Trade logomark is visually balanced, a visual metaphor of the organisation’s four core values.

Fair Trade Hong Kong logo with blue and green geometric design and Chinese text underneath on a white background.
Abstract geometric pattern with blue and green intersecting lines on a white background
Geometric pattern with intersecting blue and green lines on a gray background, forming a diamond shape.
Abstract geometric design with overlapping blue and green gradient bars and a blue diamond shape on a white background.
Abstract woven pattern with intersecting blue and green bands on a white background.

The open-source type family, Montserrat was chosen for the brand for its authority and functionality.

Montserrat font specimen showing upper and lowercase text with numbers and punctuation in black on a white background.
Font specimen in bold and regular sans serif, showing upper and lowercase text with numbers and punctuation in black on a white background.
White flag with 'Fair Trade Hong Kong' text and Chinese characters against blue sky.
Gray box with Fair Trade Hong Kong logo, featuring blue and green geometric design and text.
White T-shirt with "Fair Trade Hong Kong" logo and blue and green geometric design.
Book cover titled 'Fair Trade Hong Kong' with abstract blue and green geometric design on a green background.
Open laptop with stickers next to blue notebook.
Man speaking into a microphone at a Fair Trade Hong Kong event
White binder with blue and green geometric design on the front, labeled "Fair Trade Hong Kong" with text in English and Chinese.
Group of men in sports jerseys celebrating on a stage with banners behind them, part of a community event.
Three smartphones displaying Instagram posts by Fair Trade HK on a green background. The left screen shows a colorful local market at night. The middle screen features the Fair Trade HK logo. The right screen depicts a man walking with vegetables in a basket.

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