The Truth of Trends & Logo Design


As within most practices and types of design, there are trends in branding and logo design. As much as designers want to deny the existence of trends, or their practice within, we cannot deny that trends exist.

Stylistic or aesthetic trends are understandable fashion-oriented, usage of shadow, gradients is well documented. The importance of ignoring trends, is clear, the longest lasting, highest socially valued brands, share key, but very simple attributes-


Simplicity is clarity, it is honesty, truth. When we translate company values into a logo we have to use critical forms to successfully reference abstract ideas


Great logos, are parts of great brands. Logos must be functional and useful across application, from packaging, across digital and social medias.


About the author, Adam

Adam is the design director of BrandCraft. BrandCraft is a branding and design consultancy based in Hong Kong. We specialise in branding, visual identity, corporate identity and rebranding.

Adam is a branding consultant and has worked with clients in the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Tokyo, South Korea and China. He has had self-initiated art and design projects exhibited at various galleries and museums including the Victoria & Albert Museum of Art and Design and regularly writes about branding and design theory.

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